At El Rancho, we look at our student’s educational journey beyond their two years here. Since 1976, this has led us to pursue the best in academics and electives for our students. Through all levels of academic instruction and a rich variety of elective classes, we believe we provide an unmatched middle school education.

We also know success in and out of the classroom doesn’t come from grades alone. Our students’ plans for when they leave our halls are as diverse as they are. So how, as educators, do we truly prepare them for their future?

In short, it all starts with individualized attention.

“We want to help our students become the best individuals they can be moving toward their future,” said Principal Michele Walker. “That’s what we’re hoping to inspire in our kids – to let them find what they’re really passionate about and make a difference in their own futures.”

Electives are a huge part of how we foster self-discovery. Seventh graders are given the opportunity to try out a multitude of options with the exploratory wheel, in which electives rotate every quarter. This way, there’s an opportunity to sample the choices and decide for themselves what to focus on in eighth grade.

“Students want to be able to express themselves and to explore things other than just the day-to-day subjects they are used to,” said Musical Theatre teacher Sharie Nitkin. “Our students are dynamic. Our students are diverse. And if we don’t offer that type of education to them, we are doing them a disservice.”

Through this variety of electives, students are able to start thinking outside of the box. Once they promote, there is not a one-size-fits-all path for students. By creating a comprehensive program for them to experience as much as possible, our students are able to cultivate different aspects of their academic skills and creative interests.

“We want to make sure our students are ready for their future, not only in high school, but when they graduate,” said science teacher Ali Jordan. “Whether that’s a two-year college, four-year university, trade school, military, whatever they may be looking for, we want to make sure they’re ready for it, in all aspects. Of course, academically, but also socially and emotionally, with life skills.”

Striving for excellence in academics is our primary goal. For our students, the future is all about preparation and choice. By preparing them with challenging curriculum and the ability to choose their enrichment courses, we believe they are in the best position for success. By incorporating this mentality into our entire fabric of the school, our students are truly Future Ready.