Middle school, undoubtedly, is a time of change. At its best, it can be filled with exploration, self-discovery and growth. Throughout this brief period, students’ roles and goals for themselves are constantly challenged, shaped and reshaped. It’s the perfect window to foster trial and error in a safe space.

Rather than setting our students on a strict path forward, at El Rancho we choose to celebrate this change, and the choice that comes with it. As a middle school serving seventh and eighth graders, we bring this mentality into everything we do, from our staff meetings to our curriculum.

“The philosophy of our school is always students first. Everyone from teachers, staff, parents and even students themselves, are all focused on what is best for the kids,” said Principal Michele Walker. “We do this in a variety of ways, like our electives program, which gives our students options in what they take. This choice allows them to really find that connection to what they are doing and to see how they can use it outside of school and into the future.”

Electives truly play a big part in what makes us distinct. As a charter school, we are able to prioritize programs that would have been otherwise cut and manage them with more autonomy than regular public schools. In the past few years, we’ve opened a brand-new Athletics and Science Center, created a podcast and blogging activity elective, and even formed a robotics team which went all the way to the national championships – all while offering an electives exploratory wheel to seventh graders.

We’ve seen the positive impact electives have on students’ daily lives and how the lessons instilled actually stick. Our teachers’ passion and curiosity combined with our students’ empowerment to choose what genuinely interests them produces a unique and dynamic learning environment.

“El Rancho creatively engages our students. The school allows teachers to bring their own strengths into the classroom and incorporate this creativity in a way that makes kids want to learn,” said Librarian Carole Anne McGuire.

Keeping our teachers involved, invested and excited is critical to creating an innovative and mindful space. Without their eagerness and commitment, we would never have been able to bring so much to our students.

“We’re always looking forward and asking how we can be better. We collaborate and brainstorm as a staff together. Our administration values our input and doesn’t simply tell us what our mission is, we decide all together,” said dance teacher, Shannon Cross.

As short as our time is with each of our students, we know the impact we have as educators is as great as we make it. We choose each day to make the most of our role and give our students choices of their own. As we remind them each morning in our announcements, “Make it a great day. Or not. The choice is yours.”