Students, parents and teachers,

I want to start by saying how much we miss seeing all of the students and teachers filling up the hallways and classrooms, how we miss being inspired by you and each other.

As we face an uncertain time during this crisis, we come together as a community. The El Rancho community is strong, and although we are apart physically, we feel connected through the spirit we’ve built over decades.


We hope during this time you are staying safe and healthy with your family. While you continue learning from home, and taking precautions as laid out by the state and country, we look forward to the day when we can come back together as a school. As we found out this week, that won’t be again until school returns in September.

Until then, we’ll use our technology to keep the school year going, and keep tailoring activities we can participate in together during this time. We’ll have more announcements about some fun virtual activities in the near future.

Since we do have some extra time now, we want to hear from you! When El Rancho re-opens, what ideas do you have for ways to make the experience even better? What ways can we continue to improve your time here?

Or think bigger – what goals do you have for when we can return to normal? What do you want to accomplish? Just as El Rancho is Future Ready, we want you to keep thinking about your future too, whatever that may be! Keep in touch with us by sending us messages through our social accounts and website.

We can’t wait to be back together again soon. We know this is tough, and can make you feel uneasy. But the bonds we’ve built together are stronger than any crisis. We’ll get through this globally, as a country, as a state and most importantly, as El Rancho Coyotes.

Remember, even in this time: Make it a great day. Or not. The choice is yours.

We’ll see you soon.

Principal Michele Walker