As summer begins here at El Rancho we prepare for taking a break from school and focusing on ourselves and our family.

This challenging time has affected so many families in our community. As best we can, El Rancho is here to help. We are here to answer any questions, concerns or ideas that you may have about your student and where they should go to school. For parents of students entering the 7th and 8th grade this fall, here are some questions and answered you may need to know:

How do you enroll at El Rancho Charter School?

You can enroll at El Rancho by clicking here and leaving your email receive more detailed information. If you’re looking for printable forms, click here.

Do I need to be specifically zoned in a assigned district for my child to attend El Rancho?

No! Your child can attend El Rancho Charter School from any area.

Do I need a district signature and approval to move my student to El Rancho?

No district approval required! The choice to attend El Rancho is up to YOU and your family. This freedom is one of many things that makes our school special.

How much does El Rancho cost to attend?

Nothing – we are charter school, meaning we’re a (free) public school.

What makes El Rancho different from other public or private schools?

What makes us different isn’t just the community your student will be a part of but the choice of classes your students have. Some of our electives include woodshop and cooking, to activities like robotics and musical theater. We aim to prepare our students to be future ready after they leave El Rancho.

If your question hasn’t been answered here, click here to send us a more specific email about your child and getting them enrolled here at El Rancho Charter School.

We hope our school can be your student’s next home and a helpful resource for your family. For more into our community, take a look at our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

We can’t wait to hear from you and meet you this fall.