For February, we are diving into one of our more unique elective choices, AVID, which stands for Advancement via Individual Determination. This is a “highly certified” academic program that prepares our students for college and success in a global economy. Many middle schools do not offer this course and it’s one of the reasons we pride ourselves on our ability to make our students future ready.

This elective class, taught by Mrs. Jordan, focuses on teaching students writing skills, collaborative grouping, organization methods and reading strategies. These are all tools that our students will use throughout their academic careers.

The three main components of AVID are academic instruction which includes progress checks and organization, weekly core-academic support with college tutors and other students, and motivational and collaborative activities, including college tours and campus leadership.

Our AVID students learn study methods along with ways to strengthen their reading and writing skills, which will serve them better in the long run. Our staff and teachers feel that teaching academic skills is just as important as the curriculum we teach. We aren’t born knowing how to take notes or manage our time, so it’s important that we teach our students these skills early on!

The results are clear: AVID students at El Rancho Charter School test well and many are currently enrolled in honors courses.

Watch the video on our social channels to hear directly from our students about their favorite parts of AVID, which include everything from public speaking to binder checks and tutorials. To learn more about our school, click here. If you want to check us out on social media, click here for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

We look forward to meeting you and your family for the 2021-2022 school year!