Well Coyotes, you did it! As we wrap up the year, we extend a special thank you to our parents, students and staff. In a year that contained so much change and uncertainty, everyone persevered and we were able to end the year with a wonderful promotion ceremony.


This was a year that was full of beautiful student artwork, out-of-the-box creativity and a special focus on the ability to adapt to change. We focused helping our students find things that they enjoyed, especially those which highlighted their natural abilities and gifts.


Our music teacher even continued teaching our music students over Zoom to ensure they got the practice and education they needed to continue learning new music, perfect skills and hone in on new music.


Our woodshop teacher gave students paper mock-ups, a creative way to adapt to home instruction.


If we had to pick a word that describes this year, it would be “adapt” or “support”. We all adapted to change, to a new way of learning, to a new way of seeing our classmates during the school week. But we have also supported one another. Whether it was through Zoom calls, artwork or letters, our community remained strong.


We wish all our students’ success as they continue their journey to high school and beyond. We have prepared them for anything that will come their way and believe we have provided all of our students a secure foundation that they can jump off of to pursue their dreams.


Don’t forget to come by and say hello. We are so proud of all of you and what you have and will continue to accomplish for years to come!