At El Rancho, as in many middle schools, science is an important part of our curriculum. So much so that in 2017 we built a facility with five state-of-the-art science labs. Both 7th and 8th graders take an Integrated Science that includes units in earth science, life science, and physical science. Our new science center sets our students up for success in all units that they take.


Each new science lab has modern furnishings and includes a prep room with equipment storage that runs the length of all five new labs. Having a separate space for storage gives students the freedom to move around during class time or during a science lab.


The science center is part of a larger addition to El Rancho – the building contains not only the labs but our beautiful gym and dance studio. Construction took 13 months and landscaping an additional 4 months. 17 months felt like a longtime to wait but considering the crew had to demolish our old tennis courts and outdoor basketball courts, it was a short timeline.


The El Rancho Science Center is located north of the school (when pulling into our parking lot, it is located opposite the office) and serves as a testament to the benefits of sending your child to a charter school. As a charter, El Rancho has the flexibility to allocate funding where it’s most needed on campus. Students are our top our priority and making sure they have the appropriate facilities to learn in is so important to us. If you’re interested in learning more about El Rancho, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We hope to see you at our school soon!