The Library Teaching Assistant is a fun job for our El Rancho students – and its so much more than just working at the library. Library TAs help Mrs. Aguire and Mrs. Nelson with their daily tasks.


These tasks include assisting with Mojo Must Reads, running the student copy center and receiving work to be laminated from teachers. If your student is looking for tasks that are a little more creative, they can help create decorations for the library theme, set up book project presentations or sell candy. (Don’t worry, they get to eat it the candy sometimes, too!)


Working in the library allows your student to learn about their natural talents and their strengths. And working with our librarians means they will have an opportunity to find their favorite book genre or finally finish a book they wanted to read.


This elective gives students a break in their school day to do something different and more hands on than the typical elective. It teaches them responsibility – both in the library and working with other students. They’re even in charge of delivering detention notes and call slips to students who need them.


But honestly, one of the best the best parts about being a library TA is working with Mojo every day. Whenever they’re in the library, the chances of them being able to hang out with our favorite furry friend are high! What could be more fun than that?